Biking Yosemite
We just got back from Yosemite where we got to spend the weekend biking. Biking the valley is fun, gorgeous and practical as it can busy on the weekends with visitors! The bike paths weave all over the valley floor.
We stayed at the Yosemite Lodge. On our first day there we biked straight to the trail head and hiked to the foot bridge at Vernal Falls. That was enough hiking for our kids, although you could continue on. We hiked back down and had a picnic by the Merced river.
We continued bike around the valley and after a quick rest we headed to Awanhee Inn to meet friends for Happy Hour on the lawn. It was a perfect warm, fall evening and the light was beautiful.
Biking back to hotel we caught the golden hour with Half Dome. Such a treat!
The next morning we biked as much as we could before it was time to head back to the coast. Having the cargo bikes with us meant we could easily pack a picnic and lots of layers as the temperature went from really chilly in the morning to hot mid day! Other benefits were saving the kids energy for hiking and sweet conversation while enjoying the view. We plan to do this again next fall!
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